I also remember that he had given us a sheet with all the "lyrics" typed out for us to memorize beforehand so that it would be easier for us to pick up the songs on recording day. Memorization... Oh what a struggle it was! Not because I wasn't capable of doing it, but because there are just so many more interesting things to spend your time doing when you are eleven years old!
But that day, in the recording studio, something magical happened. He put those verses to music, and suddenly it became easy to memorize them. In my musical mind, the tune made the words easy to remember, they made sense. So much so that now today, 28 years later, when I hear one of those verses that we sang I can still remember them, word for word, if I sing them.
Maybe music isn't your thing - but everybody has something in their life that helps with memorization. I remember in high school and college I had teachers/professors that would suggest mnemonic devices to help us study and retain information. Things such as acronyms, rhymes, and acrostics. They would also suggest things involving all of your senses like wearing the same comfortable clothes each time you studied, eating the same snack, or playing the same quiet music in the background.
It occurs to me that as I've gotten older, I haven't tried to memorize much. As kids in Sunday school, we had memory verses every week. In school we had deposited new things into the information bank in our minds daily. But as an adult, other than a few favorite song lyrics, and maybe a couple of recipes, there is just nothing new being added to the library in my head.
I have always admired my mom because in every situation, she is able to recall some scripture that is relevant. Other than the few verses that I remember from the songs, I have very little scripture memorized. In this day and age, it doesn't seem as necessary because I can google "scripture about wonderfully made" and my computer will tell me that I am looking for Psalm 139, and then I can read it. I even have an app for that on my phone. But in a time when there are so many ugly things going on around us every day, I have started to notice how much all that negativity can impact my mood. And I was thinking, if I worked on memorizing verses that are important to me - things that can uplift rather than tear down - then I am taking back the control over what kinds of materials are being filed away in MY library.
So I am challenging myself. I woke up this morning with "fearfully and wonderfully made" running through my head. I'm not sure why it was in my mind, but who am I to question God's intentions? I got on here and googled the verse and found Psalm 139. I read the entire chapter and found that it holds so many wonderful reminders for me, not to mention one of those songs that was on my first album! "Search me oh God, and know my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there be any hurtful way in me. And lead me in the everlasting way." (That was paraphrased from Psalm 139: 23-24)
I already have the last two verses memorized, so I have a head start... My challenge is to memorize all of Psalm 139. I'm not setting a time limit for myself because I am much older now then I was when I memorized the last two verses, so I'm not sure what my daily capacity for memorization is now! But I will study it daily, and I will commit it to memory. And maybe this will be just the beginning for me. Maybe I will start to file away more of God's words and promises, and less of the ugliness in the world. And maybe this will make a change in my life.
How will you change YOUR life today?