I LOVE Autumn. Capital L-O-V-E! The early morning frost, the beautiful swirls of pink and blue that stain the eastern skies at sunrise. The crispness in the air, and the colors - oh the beautiful artists palette of golds and reds, rusts and browns. There is something in the air - a scent, a feeling - that tells me my beloved Autumn has arrived. The scorching sun has begun to mellow, the cool breeze rattles the colorful leaves from their branches, sending them drifting to the ground.
I remember Autumn as a child. Even then, my favorite time of year. Walking to school in early October, there was nothing better than the crunch of leaves under my feet as I skipped through the piles in the gutter. Those beautiful days when it was FINALLY cool enough to start wearing all of my carefully chosen new school clothes. And the anticipation of all that the season would bring. The trips to the pumpkin patch. The fun of Halloween trick-or-treating. The warmth of gathering around a Thanksgiving table with all of our loved ones. And the excitement of waiting for those first early flakes of white to fall from the sky.
As I take a moment to thank God for blessing us with the beauty of Autumn, it occurs to me that He is an amazing artist. Psalm 118:24 tells us, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." I prefer the warm tones of autumn, but there is beauty in every season, in every day. The portrait that God paints for us changes daily - just as each snowflake is unique, so is the canvas of nature. What a magnificent gift He gives us every morning. Let us not forget to thank Him for blessing us with His beauty.
Thank you for that, it made me feel nostalgic for autumns with you! I have my sentimental cider warming in my scensty....which in my opinion, encompasses the smells of autumn. Autumn, by the way, always makes me think of you!